• yonerliberia2008@gmail.com
  • info@yonerliberia.org
  • +231-777296067/+231-886577742

Call for Application, Qualifications, and Compensation

YONER Liberia is hiring four (4) young Liberians to form a team to lead project management for its 10-month small rural Agri-business training program with funding support from Concern Worldwide Liberia office under the EU Funded Project: PARTNERS Programme for SHFs (Smallholder Farmers), MGs (Mother Groups) and VLSAs (Village Loan Savings Associations) in District # 3, Grand Bassa County.

Requirements / Eligibility:

⇒ The ideal candidates must hold at least an Associate Degree

⇒ 10-month contract / project

⇒ At least two years of professional experience in the same or similar field and role

⇒ 18 – 35-year old


⇒ Attractive monthly salaries/compensation in line with Liberia’s minimum wage (subject to tax)

 ⇒ Registration with NASSCORP for pension benefits

⇒ Monthly transportation and communications (Voice and Data) allowance for field visits, monitoring, reporting writing, and team communication


⇒ Proficient in MS Office Suite (word, excel, and PowerPoint)

⇒ Excellent writing and speaking skills

⇒ Presentation skills

ToR – Project Management Team (Click Here)

Interested individuals and institutions may submit a package containing the following to yonerliberia2008@gmail.com and info@yonerliberia.org  by Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 11:59 PM.

  1. A cover letter and resume (or personal profile) containing prior experience and qualifications and skills relevant to the role.
  2. A two-page concept outlining a background situational analysis of agripreneurship for smallholder farmers and a plan to improve its local ecosystem.
  3. Relevant academic documents and a letter of recommendation from previous employer.

Note: Upon selection, additional information about the role will be provided and the candidate and YONER will define and develop the scope of operations for the project along with deliverables and milestones. All inquiries may be submitted to the email address above.