• yonerliberia2008@gmail.com
  • info@yonerliberia.org
  • +231-777296067/+231-886577742

Our innovative model is channeled through three groundbreaking ways:

Design. We raise philanthropic and impact capital and implore design thinking approaches to create our programs, incorporating 21st century employability skills and tools that align with Liberia’s workforce demands.

Empower. We recruit and incubate aspiring young intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs, partner with practitioners to facilitate our training programs to equip the young people with the relevant skills and tools.

Employ. We facilitate our employment track in two-folds: partner with employers to connect our program graduates with short and long-term employment; and facilitate the provision of seed funding to graduates with sustainable business ideas, and further provide them with other tools and resources and continue mentoring support in launching their personal  social ventures  and developing and offering quality products and services in a fresh Liberian and global markets.